Thought leadership
After more than three years of creating content for and about the retail industry, I’ve developed deep expertise in digital commerce. These are just a few of the pieces that show breadth and depth of thinking on topics ranging from marketing to technology.
Retail Playbooks
Collaborating with with internal and external contributors, I produced a series of post-event playbooks, summarizing key themes from more than 80 hours of event content. These long-form reports generate hundreds of qualified leads for NRF event marketing.
Insights from top retailers
It's not every day you get to hear top executives from major retail brands sharing their success stories and lessons learned. I developed these articles to bring insights from conferences and events to a larger audience.
Evolve or die: Nordstrom exec on why companies must constantly innovate or risk extinction
Customers are the new celebrities: Pottery Barn, Zappos and ThredUP on influencer marketing
The new rules of retail merchandising: PSFK, LVMH and HSN on creating remarkable experiences for customers with increasingly high expectations
Fresh ideas on Medium
Medium's tech-savvy readers have been a receptive audience for stories about startups and small businesses that are finding success by thinking differently about the customer experience. A few favorites:
Retail done right: Successful startups are powered by ingenuity, not hacks (Adapted from a presentation delivered to small businesses in Frederick, Md.)
6 women leading the reinvention of retail: Startup founders use awareness, empathy, vision and perserverence to chart new territory in e-commerce and product design
At ThirdLove, just one area of innovation isn’t enough: How one retail startup is changing the way women shop for bras with disruptive approaches to technology, materials and sizing
Every now and then, I’m the interviewee and not the interviewer. My boss and I recently answered SmartBrief’s questions about how our team approaches digital marketing.